Campfire Tales?

Hello dear reader,

Welcome to my first blog post. To be honest, I’m still not entirely sure how to start this. I made a pledge earlier this year to build a following and reveal my ways delving into the photography industry. However, I have fallen short of that pledge and I haven’t updated my youtube since god knows how long. I promise you, if you’re reading this it will be updated soon!

This blog spot has 3 main goals:

  1. To keep you updated on my photography journey through written updates and videos

  2. To showcase my photo essays and written work

  3. To provide gear reviews and explore Fujifilm recipes

So why ‘Campfire Tales’? Fables and stories are the backbone of human interaction. Our ability to tell a story, our story, is what gives us the ability to pass down information from generation to generation.

There’s nothing like sharing stories of the past, and visions of the future over a campfire. In hopes of being able to pass down my knowledge or learn from others I’m inviting to join my campfire and read some of my stories.

Consider signing up for my email subscription list to stay updated on these tales. If you enjoy my content and would like to support me, you can also buy me a coffee with the link below!


A Tsing Yi Story: Sing Gei 勝記